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Jojorion is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hirohiko Araki and is the eighth part of the larger JoJos Bizarre Adventure seriesIt was serialized by Shueisha in the seinen manga magazine Ultra Jump from May 2011 until August 2021 and has been collected in 27 tankōbon volumes. And it seriously damaged the town. Jojo S Bizarre Adventure Part 8 Jojolion Vol 20 Ch 80 Equivalent Exchange And The University Hospital Manga Covers Jojo S Bizarre Adventure Jojo Bizarre But that does not explain how Jobin had speed king when he was young around 20 years before the wall eyes were a thing. . JoJolion ジョジョリオン JoJorion is the award-winning eighth part of JoJos Bizarre Adventure which was serialized in Ultra Jump from May 2011 to August 2021. You can use left and right keyboard keys or click on the JoJos Bizarre Adventure Part 8 - JoJolion Official Colored vol18 ch71. Hirose Yasuho suddenly found a young boy under the rubble. ...